A Few Words About Us

Who We Are

#1- Nike The first on our list is Nike, a global sportswear manufacturer. nike about us page The moment you land on the 'About us' page, you’ll be greeted with a creative and visual content showcasing the athletes using their products while exercising. Nike knows who are their customers and they show it outstandingly from the very beginning. Again, their mission and purpose are about inspiring people to live a healthy life. Just below their mission, you can see a powerful quote ‘If you have a body, you are an athlete.’ which tells much about their targeted audience. When you scroll down, they share the ways of doing business, getting personal by talking about their talented and innovative team, including social impact projects and sustainable business models as well as having various call-to-action buttons to continue with the journey through their website. Key takeaways: Include strong visuals since people are more likely to remember the information from visuals. 32% of marketers reported that visual content is the most important form of content for their businesses. Don’t forget to share your mission and vision Talk about your team to get more personal with potential customers Include call-to-action #2- Arcido Arcido is a fairly new business that implemented a successful e-commerce store. The company was founded by two long-term travelers who were constantly facing the problem of having too much luggage that resulted in higher costs of traveling and inefficiency while moving from place to place. They manufacture portable backpacks and supporting accessories specially designed for entrepreneurs on the move. arcido minimalistic about page As you can see, their 'About us' page is very minimalistic and directly communicates their brand and mission which are already based on minimalism. At the very beginning, they’ve shared their mission, story, and why they’ve created a business. They also try to prove how they deeply care about customer feedback and mention other ways they use to provide a quality product. Also, they included visual aspects in the form of high-resolution pictures showing customers wearing their products which should help to increase trust among potential customers. Key takeaways: Include visuals of customers using your product Aim for a minimalistic style and structure, but don’t skip the key points of your page Focus on the customers and solving their problems

A Few Words About

Our Team

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Harvey Spector

Founder - CEO

Jessica Pearson


Rachel Zain

Marketing Head

Luise Litt

Lead Developer

Katrina Bennett

Intern Designer

Mike Ross

Intern Designer

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